"Taoli" refers to peach and plum trees. Peach and plum trees 1 as a metaphor for a number of students. One of 2 things that can happen to a teacher is to see his or her students grow up to be productive members of society. You 3 wonder: why are students compared to these two t...
桃李满天下,汉语成语,拼音táo lǐ mǎn tiān xià,意思是 桃李:指培养的后辈或所教的学生。比喻学生很多,各地都有。出自 唐 白居易《春和令公绿野堂种花》,近义词 桃李遍天下,查成语,就用给力词典!
There is a Chinese idiom "taoli mantianxia",referring to a teacher who has taught so many students that they spread across the country like peach and plum trees.Why are students compared to these two types of trees? The idiom comes from Zizhi,an official (大臣) who lived in the state ...
展开 国语词典 桃李满天下[táo lǐ mǎn tiān xià] ⒈ 桃李,指学生。参见「桃李」条。桃李满天下指学生众多。 引唐·白居易〈奉和令公绿野堂种花〉诗:「令公桃李满天下,何用堂前更种花。」 拓展查询 tao开头的词语
释义桃李:指培养的后辈或所教的学生。比喻学生很多更多:https://www.bmcx.com/,各地都有。 出处 唐·白居易《春和令公绿野堂种花》:“令公桃李满天下;何用堂前更种花。”更多:https://www.bmcx.com/ 辨形李;不能写作“里”。 近义桃李遍天下 遍布天涯 遍布天涯 ...
阅读理解There is a Chinese idiom“taoli mantianxia", referring to a teacher who has taught so many students that they spread across the country like peach and plum trees. Why are students compared to these two types of trees?The idiom comes from Zizhi, an official(大臣) who lived in the...
摄图网 专辑 桃李满天下 桃李满天下背景图片桃李满天下背景图片专题为您提供高质量桃李满天下背景素材,桃李满天下背景图片,桃李满天下底图等背景图下载,所有背景图均有版权可放心下载商用,更多好看的 桃李满天下背景图尽在摄图网!相关搜索首页 分类 VIP 我的 ...
解释桃李:指培养的后辈或所教的学生。比喻学生很多更多:https://www.bmcx.com/,各地都有。 出处 唐·白居易《春和令公绿野堂种花》:“令公桃李满天下;何用堂前更种花。”更多:https://www.bmcx.com/ 其它“桃”字典“李”字典“满”字典“天”字典“下”字典 ...
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