品 名 强力天麻杜仲丸 汉语拼音 Qiangli Tianma Duzhong Wan 【主要成份】天麻、杜仲(盐制)、独活、藁本、制草乌、附子(制)、当归、地黄、川牛膝、羌活、槲寄生、玄参。 【性状】本品为黑褐色的水蜜丸;气微香,味微甜、略苦麻。 【功能主治】散风活血,舒筋止痛。用于中风引起的筋脉掣痛,肢体麻木,行走不便,腰...
1)Qiangli Tianma Duzhong Capsule强力天麻杜仲胶囊 1.Evaluation of the clinical effect in the treatment of 42 patients with acute cerebral infarctions withQiangli Tianma Duzhong Capsule;强力天麻杜仲胶囊治疗脑梗死42例疗效观察 2.[Objective] The research aimed to study the effects of Qiangli Tianma Duz...
王湘刃口无力Reinforced Tianma Duzhong Capsule(RTDC, Reinforced Capsule of Gastrodia andEucommia强力天麻杜仲胶囊),an effectivepreparation for treating arthralgia-syndrome(such as arthralgia and limb numbness, etc.),was adopted to treat 36 cases of diabeticperipheral neuropathy. And enteric solubleaspirin...
王湘刃口无力Reinforced Tianma Duzhong Capsule(RTDC, Reinforced Capsule of Gastrodia andEucommia强力天麻杜仲胶囊),an effectivepreparation for treating arthralgia-syndrome(such as arthralgia and limb numbness, etc.),was adopted to treat 36 cases of diabeticperipheral neuropathy. And enteric solubleaspirin...