Ti-6Al-4V的物理性能决定了它在多种工业环境中的适用性。以下是该合金的关键物理参数: 密度:4.43 g/cm³,低密度是钛合金的显著特点,使其在航空航天和医疗植入物中具有重要的轻量化优势。 熔点:约为 1604°C。高熔点使Ti-6Al-4V在高温环境下具有优异的耐热性能。 热导率:6.6 W/m·K。相比钢铁或铝合金,...
钛合金Ti-6Al-4V材料参数 下载积分: 1000 内容提示: Titanium Ti-6Al-4V (Grade 5), Annealed Subcategory: Alpha/Beta Titanium Alloy; Metal; Nonferrous Metal; Titanium Alloy Close Analogs: 4 other heat treatments of this alloy are listed in MatWeb. Key Words: Ti-6-4; UNS R56400; ASTM ...
钛合金Ti-6Al-4V材料参数 TitaniumTi-6Al-4V(Grade5),Annealed Subcategory:Alpha/BetaTitaniumAlloy;Metal;NonferrousMetal;TitaniumAlloy CloseAnalogs:4otherheattreatmentsofthisalloyarelistedinMatWeb. KeyWords:Ti-6-4;UNSR56400;ASTMGrade5titanium;UNSR56401(ELI);Ti6Al4V,biomaterials, biomedicalimplants,biocompat...
Titanium Ti-6Al-4V (Grade 5), Annealed Subcategory: Alpha/Beta Titanium Alloy; Metal; Nonferrous Metal; Titanium Alloy Close Analogs: 4 other heat treatments of this alloy are listed in MatWeb. Key Words: Ti-6-4; UNS R56400; ASTM Grade 5 titanium; UNS R56401 (ELI); Ti6Al4V, biomate...
1、fiOO 35S-M3HSContact Us、Titanium Ti-6AI-4V (Grade 5), AnnealedSubcategory: Alpha/Beta Titanium Alloy; Metal; Nonferrous Metal; Titanium AlloyClose Analogs: 4 other heat treatments of this alloy are listed in MatWeb.Key Words: Ti-6-4; UNS R56400; ASTM Grade 5 titanium; UNS R56401...