Get the latest update for your TI-Nspire™ CX CAS software. Guidebooks Open new paths to understanding New and faster interactive features motivate students to see and interact with math and science more deeply: Animated path plot Visualize function, parametric and polar graphs as they are drawn...
In addition to those new features, TI-Nspire™ CAS App for iPad®enhancements also include: deSolve wizard Reduce syntax errors in solving differential equations. Accelerate the understanding process By supporting a hands-on, powerfully visual approach to learning, the TI-Nspire™ CAS App for...
如果指的是TI Nspire CAS的Student Software,可以点击下面的官网链接(5.3版本),模拟了TI nspire CX...
What is TI-Nspire™ CAS Student Software? How popular is the TI-Nspire™ CAS Student Software software and how to download it? We have collected thousands of software titles and know the answer! Free download of TI-Nspire™ CAS Student Software available....
TI-Nspire CX CAS Student Software, 启动! 主要特性 数据类型 与其他编程语言很不相同,TI-BASIC 支持的数据类型极其有限。按 [var] 可打开具有图标的变量列表,如下图所示: 数据类型及其图标 只有这 7 种数据类型:数字、字符串、列表、矩阵、函数、程序、表达式。 其中值得注意的是,“函数”和“程序”都是一种...
TI-Nspire Student Software USB computer cable Unit-to-unit cable Slide case Availability: Not available.TI-NSPIRE-CX-CAS$179.95Buy it Used: $109.95Sale: $99.95 Share Texas Instruments TI-Nspire CX II CAS Handheld Color Graphing Calculator with Computer Algebra System Casio Prizm FX-CG500 3D ...
件TI-Nspire?Teacher软件和TI-Nspire?CASTeacher软件TI-Admin软件 准备工作 安装软件之前请阅读以下检查列表。 ? ? ? ? ? ?检查计算机是否符合系统要求。请参见以下网址的产品资 料:education.ti/software/requirements.确定您有管理员的权限。对于非 多次激活许可证的其他许可证类型,请确保您有Internet连接。(多次-...
TINspire™ CAS Student Software 中使用。 对/错 设置为“是”时,允许运行 TINspire™ 软件的计算机自动 更新到 Texas Instruments 软 件。计算机会收到可用软件 更新通知。 若要接收通知,用户必须有 Internet 连接,而且必须打开
Software和TI-Nspire™ Navigator™NCTeacher Software。 注:TexasInstruments建议将 该路径设置为本地文件系统 路径。 prefered.hosts 一组分号(;)分 网络多播被禁用时,允许管理 隔的 员指定用于查询可用课的主 Hostnameor 机。 IP 注:该选项仅在TINspire™ address:port StudentSoftware和 TINspire™CAS...