We report a muon spin relaxation study in a Y_2Ti_2O_7 single crystal.We observe slow local field fluctuations at low temperature which become faster as the temperature is increased.Our analysis suggests that muon diffusion is present in this system and it is small below 40 K and therefore...
We report a muon spin relaxation study in a Y2Ti2O7 single crystal. We observe slow local field fluctuations at low temperature which become faster as the temperature is increased. Our analysis suggests that muon diffusion is present in this system and it is small below 40 K and therefore...
ngu som 1 ti sang ra day som goi hang gui cho khach va gui ve VN,ai o VN muon sai minh co san hang nhe!。#宝妈 #一起做手工 - Bap-thuoc ho于20230815发布在抖音,已经收获了26.9万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Man City đã giành bốn danh hiệu Premier League liên tiếp và đang nhắm đến chiến thắng danh hiệu thứ năm liên tiếp của họ, điều này sẽ mở rộng m...
TIẾP THEO LÀ GÌ? Klopp sẽ phải xây dựng từ đầu, bởi Paris FC chưa đạt được thành công đáng kể nào trên sân cỏ. Tuy nhiên, CLB đang cho thấy tiềm năng, hiện dẫn đầu ...
Muon spin rotation has been used to probe the low-temperature magnetic behaviour in single crystal Ho22xYxTi2O7 (x 5 0, 0.1, 1, 1.6 and 2). At very low temperatures, a linear field dependence for the relaxation rate of the muon precession l(B), that in some previous experiments on...
暮霭茫茫海天阔瑰色暖暖心绪明灯影灼灼不舍去赤足乐乐踏浪行小忧小烦抛脑后当回小岛赶海人 小镇小岛 [3] {备注:赞评或会晚,但不会不到,说到做到} #生活##美好生活##生活的模样##遇见美好##随手拍##随...
A convincing explanation of this 'slow muon problem', in which the muon diffusion rate is apparently less than the proton diffusion rate, has not been given so far. The present experiment confirms the existence of slow muons in TiHx for x2 but show that as x is reduced the correlation ...