【ollama】(4):在autodl中安装ollama工具,配置环境变量,修改端口,使用RTX 3080 Ti显卡,测试coder代码生成大模型 17:27 【ollama】(5):在本地使用docker-compose启动ollama镜像,并下载qwen-0.5b模型,速度飞快 18:47 【ollama】(6):在本地使用docker-compose启动ollama镜像,对接chatgpt-web服务,配置成功,可...
科技 计算机技术 4060Ti16G显卡 bolt.new Qwen2.5-Coder AI编程机器人 AI自动生成游戏titan909 发消息 积累了丰富实践经验的IT&AI从业者,国产操作系统的铁粉,分享实战经验,陪你体验技术革新带来的乐趣,共同推进中国的科技创新历程。早上起来从牙缝里抠出来的东西让嘴巴弄的很臭?怎么解决?? 朵朵朵three ...
git clone https://github.com/PhilTisoni/CodeRDIversity.ListaTarefas.git Após clonar o projeto, execute em seu compilador de preferência. Índice Regra de Negócio Criação do Banco de Dados Repositório Controller Resultados Autores Agradecimentos Regra de Negócio Crie uma API para o gerenciam...
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Embedded Coder Release R2021b Community Treasure Hunt Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community can help you! Start Hunting! Fix It Before It Breaks: Reduce Downtime and Operational Costs Using Condition Monitoring and Predictive Mainten...
My low-quality and poor-performance codes submitted to several online judges, such as ZeroJudge, GreenJudge, UVa, TIOJ, AtCoder, CSES problem set, LeetCode, Codeforces & Google Kick Start. - nevikw39/oj
I tried following tutorials but, when i have to select the "ticcs_c2000_ccsv4" in the "XMakeFile User Configuration" window in Matlab, I cannot find this option (even if I uncheck "Display Operational Configuration Only"). I only have Simulink Coder but not Em...
Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler Hi, I'm using Embedded Coder Support Package for C2000 MCU, using the chip TMS320F28379d. I made a simple model using a ADC and a DAC block. The model configuration properties are set as ( Boot from Flash). When I click on build button, the code ...
@atcoder - ARC066F@ Contest with Drinks Hard 目录 @description@ @solution@ @accepted code@ @details@ @description@ 给定序列 T1, T2, ... TN,你可以从中选择一些 Ti,可以选择 0 个(即不选)。 定义你选择的权值 = (满足 T[L...R] 都被选择的区间 [L, R] 的数量)-(你选择的 Ti 之和),...