甲状腺结节Thyroid nodule甲状腺结节的超声诊断在我们基层医院来说比较尴尬的事,许多时候咱就只能这样提示:“有肿块哦,有这么大哦……是啥?不好说,建议去上一级医院确诊吧。”基层医院没有病理检测,B超机没有“萤火虫”技术、弹性成像、造影功能。那咱们就先做好...
Objective To analyze the clinical characteristics of C-TI-RADS 3 thyroid nodules with a diameter greater than 2 cm and explore their correlation with gender, nodule ingredient, contralateral cancer presence, diffuse echo changes, TPOAB and TGAB. Methods A retrospective analysis was made on ...
@甲状腺结节ti-rads分类 原创 colin林 ct clinical evidence 2023-11-27 12:12 发表于 四川 📌 期刊 名称: eur j radiol. 📌 影响因子: 3.3(3区q2) 文章标题: thyroid nodule characterization using spectral detector computed tomography (sdct) i...
(P >0.05).Conclusions :Compared with ACR⁃TIRADS and KSThR⁃TIRADS,C⁃TIRADS has the best diagnostic performance for thyroid nodules.Moreover,C⁃TIRADS is easy to perform and more suitable for thyroid nodules in the Chinese population.[Key words ]thyroid nodule;ultrasonography;thyroid ...
等 比较3种超声甲状腺结节风险分层系统对甲状腺髓样癌的诊断性能:ATA指南,ACR TI-RADS和C-TIRADS Comparison of the diagnostic performance of three ultrasound thyroid nodule risk stratification systems for medullary carcinoma of the thyroid: ATA guideline, ACR TI-RADS and C-TIRADS PAN Zuxian1, 2, ...
摘要 目的:比较由中华医学会、美国放射学会和韩国甲状腺放射学会提出的甲状腺影像数据和报告系统(C-TIRADS、ACR-TIRADS、KTA/KSThR-TIRADS)的诊断效能。方法:基于手术病理结果,对226例病人的226...展开更多 Objective:To compare the diagnostic performance of thyroid imaging reporting and data systems proposed by...
Objective To analyze the clinical characteristics of C-TI-RADS 3 thyroid nodules with a diameter greater than 2 cm and explore their correlation with gender, nodule ingredient, contralateral cancer presence, diffuse echo changes, TPOAB and TGAB. Methods A retrospective analysis was made on the clin...
Total: 7 points, TI-RADS category 5, 35% risk of malignancy. Want to try other health-related tools that you may find helpful? Visit the sodium deficit calculator and insulin dosage calculator. How to use the ACR TIRADS calculator? Our thyroid nodule calculator doesn't require much effort ...
目的 探讨超声灰度比值(UGSR)在甲状腺皱缩结节(CTN)及甲状腺乳头状癌(PTC)中的鉴别效能及联合C-TIRADS的应用价值。方法 2018年1月至2022年12月在中国人民解放军东部战区总医院秦淮医疗区诊疗的PTC受试者86例(86枚结节)、CTN受试者78例(78枚结节)。比较结节位置、最大径、C-TIRADS阳性特征差异;测量结节整体灰度...
(TI-RADS)3,4级结节的 鉴别诊断价值;比较常规二维超声与 MicroPure成 像技术对甲状腺结节内 微小钙化的检测能力;并比较 CDFI与 mSMI对甲状腺结节的诊断效能.方法:运用常 规二维超声 + 彩色多普勒 血流显像技术(CDFI)筛选出 TI-RADS 3,4级结 节患者 86 例,共 106 个结节 (TI-RADS3 级 64 个;TI-RADS4 ...