【步骤 15】此时移除 BOOT2 之后的 OS 升级文件会被保存为 tinspirecx_3.1.0.392_2.tco/tinspirecxcas_3.1.0.392_2.tcc,将这个文件重命名为 phoenix.tns备用。 【步骤 16】将计算器通过 USB 与 PC 连接,打开 TI-Nspire Computer Link,确保计算器连接后,在计算器的“文档”根目录下创建 nLaunch 文件夹。
TI-Nspire™ CX II Connect is a web-based app that connects your TI-Nspire™ CX II graphing calculator to your computer, enabling you to take screen captures, transfer files, update the OS and exit Press-to-Test mode, all in one place. ...
File and folder names can be very long, and can include almost all characters, including spaces and punctuation. Note: If you are planning to transfer these documents to your computer for use in the TI-Nspire™ software, it is best to use names that are accepted on your computer. Avoid...
Ndless combines an executable loader and utilities to open the TI-Nspire to third-party C and assembly development. The official website is available on: ->http://ndless.me The source code can be found on: ->https://github.com/ndless-nspire/Ndless ...
TILP (formerly GtkTiLink) can transfer data between Texas Instruments graphing calculators and a computer. It works with all link cables (parallel, serial, Black/Gray/Silver/Direct Link) and it supports the TI-Z80 series (73..86), the TI-eZ80 series (83P
He is a T3 instructor for Texas Instruments and co- founder of the TI-Nspire SuperUser group. C.C. Edwards is an instructor at Coastal Carolina University and a former editor of Texas Instruments' Eightysomething, a newsletter for parents and educators. This article can be found in the ...
TI-Nspire™ CX Navigator™ Setup and Troubleshooting Tip Sheet To obtain the latest version of the documentation, go to education.ti.com/guides. Important Information Except as otherwise expressly stated in the License that accompanies a program, Texas Instruments makes no warranty, either expres...
Click on the file and it should automatically load into theDocuments tab Note: When you click on a .tns file, it will open in your system’s preferred teaching application. It may default to the CAS (computer algebra system) version of the software, which is identical to the TI-Nspire...
(for now, the leading metadata of *.hpprgm, if any, needs to be stripped manually); * receive file; * receive backup; * send key(s) (remote control); * send chat; * receive chat; * provide a terminal-based UI: the test program "test_hpcalcs". The code base doesn't: * ...
Ndless combines an executable loader and utilities to open the TI-Nspire to third-party C and assembly development. The official website is available on: ->http://ndless.me The source code can be found on: ->https://github.com/ndless-nspire/Ndless ...