TI-Nspire™ CX II Connect is a web-based app that connects your TI-Nspire™ CX II graphing calculator to your computer, enabling you to take screen captures, transfer files, update the OS and exit Press-to-Test mode, all in one place. ...
TI-Nspire™ CX II Connect TI-Nspire™ CX II Connect is a web-based app that connects your TI-Nspire™ CX II graphing calculator to your computer, enabling you to take screen captures, transfer files and update the operating system in one place. ...
TI-Nspire™ CX II Connect is a web-based app that connects your TI-Nspire™ CX II graphing calculator to your computer, enabling you to take screen captures, transfer files, update the OS and exit Press-to-Test mode, all in one place. Compatible Devices TI-Nspire CX II TI-Nspire ...
【步骤 4】打开 SecureCRT(或是其他支持 Xmodem 协议的超级终端软件),选择“File>Quick Connect”菜单选项,按下图设置好串口的参数,然后点击“Connect”。 【步骤 5】拔下计算器的电池,等待约 30 秒后再装上,然后按一下计算器的 on 键,确认 SecureCRT 中有出现如下文字。 Boot Loader Stage 1 (3.00.99) Bu...
TI-Nspire CAS, CX, CX CAS, CX II, CX II CAS TI-89, 89 Titanium, 92, 92 Plus, Voyage 200 Quick Examples Example 1 Let's compute the volume of a sphere of radius2.1. Recall that the volume of a sphere is(4/3) pi r^3. There are many ways to compute this in an RPN system...
Scheda Dati e analisi Scheda Risultati Sezione Rapporti Workflow Stats iQ Text iQ Dashboard CX e BX 360 Impegno Ciclo di vita Sondaggio d'opinione Ricerca dipendente ad hoc Feedback Website/App Congiunte e DiffMax Feedback della prima linea Directory XM ...
Connect the handheld to your computer! Close the installer with Ctrl+W Have fun! OS 3.9.0 Prerequisites: OS 3.9.0 on Clickpad (CAS/non-CAS) or Touchpad (CAS/non-CAS) For CX and CX CAS please install 3.9.1. Transferndless_installer_3.9.0_classic_new.tnsinto a folder named "ndless" ...
您可以在 TI-Nspire™ CX-C 或 TI-Nspire™ CX-C CAS 手持设备上安装中文-英文字典。• 从 TI-Nspire™ 手持设备屏幕截取图像并将图像用于 TI-Nspire™ 文档和计算机文档。•在 TI-Nspire™ 手持设备或 Lab Cradle (实验托板)上更新操作系统 (OS)。打开 TI-Nspire™Computer Link 软件 1.将...
1、使用使用TI-Nspire Computer Link 软TI-Nspire Computer Link 软使用 TI-Nspire Computer Link 软TI-Nspire Computer Link 在计算机和 TI-Nspire 您可以在 TI-Nspire CX-C 或 TI-Nspire CX-C CAS 手持设备上安装中文 - 英文字典。从 TI-Nspire 手持设备屏幕截取图像并将图像用于 TI-Nspire 文档和在 TI-...
Sezione Rapporti Workflow Stats iQ Text iQ Dashboard CX e BX 360 Impegno Ciclo di vita Sondaggio d'opinione Ricerca dipendente ad hoc Feedback Website/App Congiunte e DiffMax Feedback della prima linea Directory XM Elenco dipendenti Estensioni e API ...