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184 Defining a System for Higher-Order Equations ... 186 Example of a 2nd-Order Equation ... 187 Example of a 3rd-Order Equation ... 189 Setting Axes for Time or Custom Plots... 190
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Symbolic differential equation solving, Graph in 2D or in 3D with real-time rotations, Perform linear algebra operations, Split screen shows you two applications at once, Over 100 symbolic units to use in equations, computations, and unit conversions, Twenty constants including: speed of l...
The factors or certain numbers of the equations were replaced by optimization variables, x. For the mean correction factor \(k_{mean}=\frac{1}{1-M\frac{R+1}{1-R}}\) the slope, M, was replaced with \(x_{mean}\). The other correction factors in the optimization were single numeric...
Equations were solved on a 2 × 15 × 60 nm3 (110)T lamella of PZT crystal. The central 40% of the lamella has x=0.5, the rest x=0.6 (Supplementary Fig. 4). The ()T external boundaries are mechanically clamped and used to stretch and compress the lamella with sinusoidal boundary ...
pH or pKa equations often define the concentration of protons; therefore, many researchers have regulated the pH and pKa values of the electrolytes as an equivalent of controlling source of protons in the system. NRR is a multi-protons process, but so does its competitive HER. Therefore, by ...
Equations 6 and 7 were used to calculate the % porosity and relative density of the alloys based on experimental density. Theoriticaldensity=(%NiρNi+%AlρAl+%TiρTi+%MnρMn+%FeρFe+%MnρMn+%CrρCr)−1 (5) Relativedensity=(ExperimentaldensityTheoriticaldensity×100)% (6) ...