这次捡到的计算器是TI-84+ Silver Edition计算器的缩小版本,于2012年推出,市场上不多见。其功能和原先的版本完全一致,但尺寸小了很多,个人感觉手感也很不错。 值得一提的是,直到2015年发布的彩屏版TI-84 CE,该系列计算器使用的处理器一直是老古董Z80。这款8位处理器诞生于1975年,曾被运用于很多耳熟能详的电...
这次捡到的计算器是TI-84+ Silver Edition计算器的缩小版本,于2012年推出,市场上不多见。其功能和原先的版本完全一致,但尺寸小了很多,个人感觉手感也很不错。值得一提的是,直到2015年发布的彩屏版TI-84 CE,该系列计算器使用的处理器一直是老古董Z80。这款8位处理器诞生于1975年,曾被运用于很多耳熟能详的电子...
Something being impractical isn’t any reason not to do it, which is why just about anything with a CPU in it can run Doom by now. For the same reason there obviously is a way to do ray tracing of 3D scenes on a modern-day TI-84 Plus CE graphical calculator. This is excellent new...
Q. Does this mean you will also be removing it from the TI-84 Plus? A. At this time, we are only removing ASM capabilities on the TI-84 Plus CE, TI-84 Plus CE-T and TI-83 Premium CE. (Source: An e-mail from TI-Cares posted on TI-Planet: Français | Englis...
Adafruit confirmed in a recent blog post that CircuitPython is officially installed on all new TI-84 Plus CE Python Graphing Calculators.
applied sciences Article OAOrtpipcltetiimmiizzaattiioonn ooff SSttoopp PPllaann ffoorr SSkkiipp--SSttoopp OOppeerraattiioonn oonn SSuubbuurrbbaannRRaaiillwwaayy LLiinnee Jun Xu, Qinghuai Liang *, Xiaoyu Huang and Le Wang Jun Xu, Qinghuai Liang * , Xiaoyu Huang and Le Wang School ...
However, the lack of microorganisms that efficiently perform the simultaneous conversion of pentoses and hexoses to bioethanol under industrial conditions is the main problem for the direct fermentation of these hydrolyzates [84]. For instance, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the most frequently used industrial...