In this study, Plasma nitriding of the Ti6Al4V was performed using microwave plasma technique at 600掳C for 1 hour, 3 hours and 5 hours then followed with deposition of CrN on plasma nitrided samples for duplex coating purposes. Microstructural analysis and hardness measurement revealed that ...
钛合金Ti-6Al-4V材料参数 下载积分: 1000 内容提示: Titanium Ti-6Al-4V (Grade 5), Annealed Subcategory: Alpha/Beta Titanium Alloy; Metal; Nonferrous Metal; Titanium Alloy Close Analogs: 4 other heat treatments of this alloy are listed in MatWeb. Key Words: Ti-6-4; UNS R56400; ASTM ...
毷 毷 毷 分析与研究热处理温度对Ti 6Al 4V耐腐蚀性及力学性能的影响 李育霖 (宝山钢铁股份有限公司中央研究院,上海 2 01999) 摘要:为了改善Ti 6Al 4V合金的性能,将Ti 6Al 4V合金在90%氮气和10%氧气组成的气氛中进行化学热处理以达到表面强化的目的。试验通过扫描...
1、fiOO 35S-M3HSContact Us、Titanium Ti-6AI-4V (Grade 5), AnnealedSubcategory: Alpha/Beta Titanium Alloy; Metal; Nonferrous Metal; Titanium AlloyClose Analogs: 4 other heat treatments of this alloy are listed in MatWeb.Key Words: Ti-6-4; UNS R56400; ASTM Grade 5 titanium; UNS R56401...
laser hardening, Ti-6Al-4V, kinetic modeling, hardness predictionLaser transformation hardening in the solid state is shown to successfully provide a surface hardness increase of almost 40% for Ti6Al4V with a case depth over 2.5 mm while reducing surface damage. This was completed by testing a ...
基于连续损伤力学的Ti-6Al-4V钛合金高低周复合疲劳损伤研究 热度: 一种高强韧Ti-6Al-4V钛合金焊接接头的制备方法及获得的焊态高强韧接头 热度: TitaniumTi-6Al-4V(Grade5),Annealed Subcategory:Alpha/BetaTitaniumAlloy;Metal;NonferrousMetal;TitaniumAlloy ...
( 榆林学院 能源工程学院ꎬ陕西 榆林 719000) 摘 要:通过金相显微镜等测试仪器测试 Ti-6Al-4V 钛合金表面组织及疲劳寿命性能ꎬ对比研 磨光整处理前后 Ti-6Al-4V 钛合金拉伸断口形貌以及微观组织ꎮ 研究结果表明:双面加工时 试样硬度随外径增大而显著上升ꎮ 没有研磨光整处理的 Ti-6Al-4V 钛合金疲劳裂纹... Ti-6Al-4V The range of Vickers hardness varies drastically in additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V, even within the same processing method. The range of hardness values reported for Ti-6Al-4V made by wire-based DED AM is 341–355 HV [40] and for electron beam PBF is 368–372 [27...