双激光束双边同步焊接Ti-6Al-4V合金微观组织与裂纹扩展行为研究 来自南京航空航天大学的研究团队在Journal of Materials Science & Technology国际杂志上发表文章Bridging microstructure and crystallography with the crack propagation behavior in Ti-6Al-4V alloy fabricated via dual laser beam bilateral synchronous weldi...
表1:Ti6Al4V L-PBF底盘插件轻量化设计的脆弱性和增材制造可行性 案例研究结果分析 ◉ 依据ASTM F2924-14,L-PBF Ti6Al4V的常规HIP工艺通过对打印过程中产生的典型缺陷致密化,可有效地使HCF强度达到600MPa(R=-1,N=106)。 ◉ L-PBF Ti6Al4V在常规HIP温度895-955°C时的高温软化可以通过800°C/200MPa...
Ti-6Al-4V/GR5美标钛合金 Ti-6Al-4V belongs to the American standard titanium alloy, the implementation standards: ASTM B265, ASTM B348 Ti-6Al-4V belongs to (α+β) type titanium alloy, which has the advantages of α and β types of titanium alloy, namely good plasticity, good thermal s...
[18] ZHANG Z X, DONG H, BELL T. Role of gold in high temperature oxidation of titanium alloy[J]. Surface Engineering, 2005, 21(1): 76−79. [19] ZHANG Z X, ZHANG Y J, LI X Y, et al. An enhanced ceramic conversion treatment of Ti6Al4V alloy surface by a pre-deposited thin...
来源:Effects of electropulsing on the microstructure and microhardness ofa selective laser melted Ti6Al4V alloy,Journal of Alloysand Compounds,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2021.160044 参考文献:S. Liu, Y.C. Shin,Additive ...
Effect of process parameter optimization on morphology and mechanical properties of Ti6Al4V alloy produced by selective laser melting 工艺参数优化对选择性激光熔化Ti6Al4V合金形貌和力学性能的影响 研究背景 目前,钛和钛合金因其优异...
[11]陈国兴. 基于双相特征的Ti-6Al-4V 钛合金微观变形行为研究 [D]. 秦皇岛:燕山大学,2018.(CHEN G. Microscopic deformation behavior ofTi-6Al-4V titanium alloy based on the characteristic of twophase[D]. Qinhuangdao:Yanshan University,2018.)[12]HUANG L B, DONG H G, MA Y T, et ...
TC27 钛合金 TC4 Ti-6Al-4V 钛板 GR5厚度1~40mm 钛棒 更新时间:2024年04月12日 安全无小事,筑牢校园安全线 价格 ¥179.00 ¥174.00 ¥169.00 起订量 20千克起批 200千克起批 500千克起批 货源所属商家已经过真实性核验 服务 品质保障 · 资金安全 · 售后无忧 正品保障 描述相符 72小时发货 ...
Micro st ruct ure and t ribological p roperties of microarc o xidatio n coatings formed o n Ti6Al4V alloy in Na2 SiO3 system aqueous solutio n [J ] . Tribology , 2003 , 23 ( 5) : 371 375.Ti6Al4V表面微弧氧化陶瓷涂层的结构和摩擦学特性[J]. 王亚明,蒋百灵,雷廷权,郭立新.摩擦学...