KeyWords:Ti-6-4;UNSR56400;ASTMGrade5titanium;UNSR56401(ELI);Ti6Al4V,biomaterials, biomedicalimplants,biocompatibility MaterialNotes: InformationprovidedbyAllvacandthereferences.AnnealingTemperature700-785篊.Alpha-BetaAlloy. Applications:Blades,discs,rings,airframes,fasteners,components.Vessels,cases,hubs,forgings...
Ti-6AI-4Vs poor shear strength makes it undesirable for bone screws or plates .It also has poor surface wear properties and tends to seize when in sliding con tact with itself and other m 4、etals. Surface treatme nts such as nitnding and oxidizing can improve the surface wear ...
Therefore, extensive research on a Ti-6-4 fitting element has been carried out. In addition to static tensile tests, rotating bending tests and fracture mechanical tests, component tests with constant and variable load were performed. Simultaneously, the microstructures of the specimens and tested ...
2.4.3. Material properties and initial boundary The temperature-dependent properties of Ti–6Al–4V titanium alloy required in the calculation model include density, specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity, as shown in Table 4 [22]. The convective heat transfer coefficient of surfaces was set...
Gibson I, Shi D (1997) Material properties and fabrication parameters in selective laser sintering process. Rapid Prototyp J 3(4):129–136 Article Google Scholar Calignano F, Manfredi D, Ambrosio EP, Iuliano L, Fino P (2013) Influence of process parameters on surface roughness of aluminium ...
Wang, Mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V octahedral porous material unit formed by selective laser melting, Adv. Mech. Eng. 2012 (2012).Mechanical Properties of Ti-6Al-4V Octahedral Porous Material Unit Formed by Selective Laser Melting[J] . Jianfeng Sun,Yongqiang Yang,Di Wang,Yung C. Shin....
This material block represents the gage length section of the dogbone specimen in real experiments. 4.1.2. Mapping of mechanical properties based on thermal simulation results The yielding and ultimate points were converted into true stress and true strain, and the Ramberg-Osgood power-law equation...
TC4合金以α相为主,一般含有 5%左右的β相,含有 6%的α相稳定元素 Al 及 4%的β相稳定元素 V。因为TC4合金主要由两相构成,所以稍微改变加工条件或其他因素就可改变两相的比例和形态分布,改变材料的微观结构从而得到不同性能的钛合金。2、 增材制造工艺参数对Ti-6Al-4V合金组织和性能的影响 研究表明,...
ofMaterialModelsfor Ti-6AI-4VTitaniumand * 2024-T3Aluminum September2000 FinalReport * ThisdocumentisavailabletotheU.S.public throughtheNationalTechnicalInformation Service(NTIS),Springfield,Virginia22161. Ö U.S.DepartmentofTransportation FederalAviationAdministration ...