1: conj( 2: real( 3: imag( 4: angle( 5: abs( 6: e4Rect 7: e4Polar Returns the complex conjugate. Returns the real part. Returns the imaginary part. Returns the polar angle. Returns the magnitude (modulus). Displays the result in rectangular form. Displays the result in polar form...
Moreover, it is shown from Figure S1 from the Supplementary Materials that all branches in the phonon spectrum curves are positive, and the absence of imaginary phonon mode indicates that all investigated MAX structures are dynamically stable. The impact of pressure on lattice parameters is ...
1993. The Fictive and the Imaginary: Charting Literary Anthropology. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. [Google Scholar] Jin, Dinghan 金鼎漢. 1993. “Fengshenyanyi zhong jige yu yindu youguan de renwu” 封神演義中幾個與印度有關的人物 [Several Characters in the Canonization of the Gods...
For TiN thin and ultrathin films, ε2 reaches a minimum value of approximately Materials 2020, 13, 1058 6 of 11 the real and imaginary parts of the dielectric function (ε1 and ε2) over the range 400–1200 nm. First, Materiawls 2e0o2b0,s1e3r,v1e0d58that the ε2 values for the...