204 m € bereinigtes EBIT ~16.300 Mitarbeitende (30. September 2024) thyssenkrupp Materials Services GmbH Communicationsthyssenkrupp Allee 145143 Essen, Germany Telefon:+49 201 844-0 E-Mail senden Website Organisation Automotive Technology Decarbon Technologies Marine Systems Steel Europe Prod...
(included in the former Multi Tracks segment in the 2022/202 15、3 fiscal year).thyssenkrupp Transrapid GmbH,which was previously part of the Marine Systems segment,has also been assigned to“reconciliation”in the segment reporting since October 1,2023.Corresponding adjustments have been made for ...
thyssenkrupp Materials Trading is an international trading and services company headquartered in Essen, Germany. Its product range includes raw materials such as alloys, nonferrous metals, minerals, coke, coal and ores, various raw materials for future technologies, metallurgical products...