The management of regional lymph nodes in thyroid carcinoma is guided by preoperative evaluation, histologic subtype, and often a consideration of data for potential benefit and morbidity of a neck dissection. The goal of lymphadenectomy is complete surgical resection of grossly evident metastatic disease...
An endocrine gland in the neck.Seecalcitonin,thyroxine. Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. thyroid- located near the base of the neck ...
Firm Swelling in Neck Lateral to the Thyroid in a Young MaleIn this chapter fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) of a firm swelling in neck lateral to the thyroid in a young male is discussed.doi:10.1007/978-981-13-9772-1_58Pranab Dey...
Keeping your focus on this part of the neck, tip your head back, then swallow a drink of water. Look at your neck in the mirror while you swallow, checking for any bumps. If you have symptoms of thyroid cancer, see your doctor so the cause can be foun...
Call your local emergency number (911 in the US) if:You have sudden shortness of breath.When should I call my doctor?Your symptoms get worse. Your voice becomes hoarse. You have nausea or are vomiting. You have new lumps in your neck. You have trouble swallowing. You have questions or...
A Pain in the Neck: Thyroid AbscessFfion CarlinAdrian B. WalkerJoseph M. PappachanBrown J, Nguyen HH, Cohen SH. A pain in the neck: thyroid abscess. Am J Med 2014;127(3):e5-6.
Because of massive oropharyngeal bleeding in addition to a difficult neck anatomy in a very obese patient, a cannot-intubate, cannot-ventilate situation occurred. Control of the airway could finally be achieved by surgical cricothyroidotomy. The current literature concerning emergency cricothyroidoto...
Pain in your neck, jaw, or ear Trouble breathing, swallowing, or feeling a tickle in your throat (if the nodule is large enough) Hoarseness if the nodule irritates the nerve that controls the vocal cords (Note: This can be related to thyroid cancer.) ...
The thyroid gland in the front of the neck is butterfly-shaped and regulates heart rate, body temperature, and metabolism.
Objective: To investigate the current situation of thyroid disease by analyzing retrospectively the color poppler ultrasonography data of neck discomfort in Heilongjiang Province. Methods: A total of 13 020 cases (18-93 years old) of thyroid ultrasound examination data collected from September 2009 to...