Radiometric examination is carried out above the thyroid gland and femur in 15 min after administering the radioactive pharmaceutical preparations. The thyroid gland radiometric examination with labeled albumin being over, radioactive iodine is administered to the patient and in vivo radiometric examination...
甲状腺详细介... ...Thyroid Function Tests(甲状腺功能试验) Thyroid Gland,Anatomy and Physiology( 甲状腺的解剖学与 …|基于23个网页 2. 甲状腺功能检查 甲状腺功能检查(Thyroid Function Tests) 李龙雄台北市立仁爱医院 甲状腺疾病必须临床症状与甲状腺功能检查互相配合,才… ...
The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped endocrine gland located in the neck underneath the cartilage tissue that forms the Adam's apple. By producing hormones such as tri-iodothyronine (T3), tetraiodothyronine (T4) and calcitonin the thyroid gland regulates a number of functions, for...
function2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. Decreased echogenicity of the thyroid gland on US is associated with overt hypothyroidism4,10, and changes in echogenicity have been reported in subclinical hypothyroidism as well5,6,7,8,9. Another general population study found that thyroid gland heterogeneity on ...
Thyroid gland, endocrine gland that is located in the anterior part of the lower neck, below the larynx (voice box). The thyroid secretes hormones vital to metabolism and growth. Any enlargement of the thyroid, regardless of cause, is called a goitre. Th
The function of the thyroid gland is regulated by a feedback mechanism involving the brain. When thyroid hormonelevels are low, the hypothalamus in the brain produces a hormone known as thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) that causes the pituitary gland(located at the base of the brain) to rel...
The function of the thyroid gland is regulated by a feedback mechanism involving the brain. When thyroid hormonelevels are low, the hypothalamus in the brain produces a hormone known as thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) that causes the pituitary gland(located at the base of the brain) to rel...
Thus, our results suggest that children with low IC-GH (GH neurosecretory dysfunction) exhibit a TSH secretory pattern and thyroid function similar to those with normal IC-GH. 展开 关键词: Human Growth Hormone Thyroid Gland Thyrotropin 人生长激素 甲状腺 促甲状腺素 ...
The Function of the Thyroid GlandAdrenal GlandsThyroid GlandNo abstract availabledoi:10.1098/rspl.1884.0054Victor HorsleyBritish Medical AssociationBritish Medical JournalHorsely V. On the function of the thyroid gland. Proc R Soc London 1884;38:5–7. View Article...