植物图鉴-百里香百里香(学名:Thymus mongolicus Ronn),半灌木,叶为卵圆形,花序头状,花萼管状钟形或狭钟形,花冠紫红、紫或淡紫、粉红色,花期7-8月,小坚果近圆形或卵圆形。可作为食材,欧洲烹饪常用香料...
百里香(学名:Thymus mongolicus Ronn),半灌木,叶为卵圆形,花序头状,花萼管状钟形或狭钟形,花冠紫红、紫或淡紫、粉红色,花期7-8月,小坚果近圆形或卵圆形。可作为食材,欧洲烹饪常用香料,味道辛香,用来加在炖肉、蛋或汤中。欧洲传统上认为百里香象征勇气,所以中世纪经常用它赠给出征的骑士。在中国称为地椒、地...
但人们仍不能确定胸腺它的名字Thymus从何而来,有学者说发现胸腺的古希腊人将其命名为Thymus是因为它的形状看起来好像百里香(Thymus mongolicus ronn)的叶子;也有学者说这个名字来自希腊语“灵魂”,因为胸腺位于上纵隔前部靠近心脏。无论如何,大家比较公认的是,胸腺属于免疫系统,是一种淋巴器官(Lymphoid organ),就像扁桃...
tissue culture rapid propagation method, the stem of the Thymus mongolicus Ronn. is taken as an explant, a Thymus mongolicus Ronn. in-vitro regenerated plant is obtained by virtue of processes such as callus induction, multiplication culture, differentiation culture, rooting culture, and ...
必应词典为您提供Thymus-mongolicus-Ronn的释义,网络释义: 百里香;百里香粉末;百蕊草粉末;
as we approach a time when all of the work put in to release you from the contr 分享40赞 进口吧 中颖通达清关 青岛港进口德国百里香叶粉清关详细流程 百里香(学名:Thymus mongolicus Ronn),半灌木,叶为卵圆形,花序头状,花萼管状钟形或狭钟形,花冠紫红、紫或淡紫、粉红色,花期7-8月,小坚果近圆形或卵...
Latin Name Thymus mongolicus Ronn Part roots Specification Whole,Cut Slice, Bio Powder,Extract Powder Main function Relieve cough and resolve phlegm, promote digestion Application Medicine,Health Care food,Wine,etc. Packing 1kg/bag,20kg/carton, as per buyers request...
拉丁植物动物矿物名:1.Thymus mongolicus Ronn.2.Thymus quinquecostatus Celad. Var .przewal-skii (Kom.) Ronn.采收和储藏:7-8月采收,洗净,鲜用或晒干。 【原形态】半灌木。不育枝从茎的末端或基部长同,花枝高2-10cm,在花序下密被倒向或稍开展的疏柔毛,向下毛变短而疏。具2-4对叶;下部叶柄长约为...
Thymus mongolicus (family Lamiaceae) is a Thyme subshrub with strong aroma and remarkable environmental adaptability. Limited genomic information limits the use of this plant. Chromosome-level 605.2 Mb genome of T. mongolicus was generated, with 96.28% a
3) Thymus mongolicus ronn 地椒草4) thyme aetherolea 地椒油 1. Self-emulsifying formula of thyme aetherolea; 地椒油自乳化制剂处方研究5) Thymus quinquelostatus Celak 五脉地椒 1. OBJECTIVE To analyze the chemical constituents of the essential oil of Thymus quinquelostatus Celak. 目的 ...