The main thymus gland function is to process and teach your T cells how to identify and get rid of germs and other foreign substances. Your thymus gland is in the upper part of your chest. It sits in the space between your lungs, behind your breastbone (sternum) and in front of your ...
It functions as the initial site of T cell immune maturation through positive and negative selection processes. T cells gain their name as they mature in the thymus and B cells are so named, as they mature in the bone marrow. This article will describe the anatomy, histology and function ...
The study of the thymic shadow shown on the roentgenogram was undertaken in the Newly Born Service of Touro Infirmary about three years ago with the idea of arriving at some definite conclusions as to the size, shape and position of the thymus. Examinations were made, beginning during the ...
The thymus gets its name from its silhouette. It is shaped much like a thyme leaf, a common cooking herb. It has two separate lobes divided by a central medulla and a peripheral cortex and is formed with lymphocytes and reticular cells. The reticular cells form a mesh that is filled with...
In this chapter, after a brief description of the role of the thymus for immunity, its involution during ageing and the impact on the immunity in the elderly are described. Furthermore, I will discuss attempts to boost thymus function aiming at a rejuvenation of the "old" immune system. ...
Thymus, pyramid-shaped lymphoid organ that, in humans, is immediately beneath the breastbone at the level of the heart. The organ is called thymus because its shape resembles that of a thyme leaf. The primary function of the thymus is to facilitate the m
Lymphocytes disappear and are replaced by fat tissue from the partitions between the lobules. The process of involution is never complete, and the bits of thymus tissue that remain are probably sufficient to maintain its function.The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica This article was most recently ...
Its primary function is to develop special cells that recognize and attack cancer cells or fight foreign invaders such as viruses and bacteria. Immature white blood cells, or lymphocytes, migrate from bone marrow to the thymus; scientists refer to lymphocytes in the thymus as thymocytes. In the ...
types that play important roles in both innate and adaptive immunity. Indeed, the functional importance of the thymus medulla is readily evident in the disruption of immune homeostasis and manifestation of autoimmunity that occurs when its development and/or function is impaired. This can include the...
8. Sudˉden death from thymus hypertrophy was closely associated with adrenal gland atrophy resulting in letdown of cortex function and decline of stress ability of the organisms. 胸腺肥大猝死与肾上腺萎缩导致的皮质功能减退和机体应激能力下降关系密切。