使用spring boot整合Thymeleaf 在使用layout dialect时如下图报错 使用时必须配置Thymeleaf 的SpringTemplateEngine,要new的LayoutDialect对象在thymeleaf-layout-dialect-1.4.0.jar中,该jar使用的groovy语言编写的 就出现了如下错误,maven中已经有这些包了。这是什么错误呢?IDE的配置问题?
If you want to take a step back and see how to configure Thymeleaf 3.0 in your web app project, please check this tutorial. Once we add Maven dependency as a part of a project, we’ll need to add the Layout Dialect to our existing Thymeleaf template engine. We can do this with Jav...
this week i was working with spring boot 2.0.0 (maven), but the whole week i encountered a problem the web pages doesnt recognize layout attribute, after downgrading to 1.5.9 the web page starts working so it seems the spring boot v2.0.0 doesnt support yet all thymeleaf features. Owner...
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