Cannot find template location: classpath:/templates/ (please add some templates or check your Thymeleaf configuration)(1) 最新评论 1. Re:【java】随机生成6位的数字 747 --代码只会写简单的 2. Re:springbooot2 thymeleaf 配置以及加载资源文件。Cannot find template location: classpath:/templates...
原因: SpringBoot会自动从/src/main/resources/templates目录获取Thymeleaf模板引擎,若该目录缺失,就会报该警告。 方法1: 创建该目录 方法2: 在application.yml中加入以下配置: thymeleaf: check-template:falsecheck-template-location:false 如果是,就是加入 spring.thymeleaf.check-template=falses...
if (checkTemplateLocation) { TemplateLocation location = new TemplateLocation(; if (!location.exists(this.applicationContext)) { logger.warn("Cannot find template location: " + location + " (please add some templates or check " + "your Thymeleaf configuration)"); ...
首先,src/main/resources/templates是Thymeleaf模板的the default directory,所以我想您需要删除属性spring...
[ main] .t.AbstractTemplateResolverConfiguration : Cannot find template location: /templates/ (please add some templates or check your Thymeleaf configuration) 2017-06-12 13:12:49.515 WARN 6804 --- [ main] ationConfigEmbeddedWebApplicationContext : Exception encountered during context initialization -...
[0;39m [2m---[0;39m [2m[ restartedMain][0;39m [36mion$DefaultTemplateResolverConfiguration[0;39m [2m:[0;39m Cannot find template location: classpath:/templates/ (please add some templates, check your Thymeleaf configuration, or set spring.thymeleaf.check-template-location=...
在我的project .classpath文件中,有一条规则排除了src/main/resources下的所有源代码。我删除了它,它...
private boolean checkTemplate = true; private boolean checkTemplateLocation = true; private String prefix = "classpath:/templates/"; private String suffix = ".html"; private String mode = "HTML"; private Charset encoding; private boolean cache; ...
Steps: create new Eclipse project from Thymeleaf starter change version in POM to 1.0.0.RC4 run: mvn test see: failed to load ApplicationContext due to Thymeleaf template directory not being found (see below for stack trace) It does not ...
现在有一个1.0.1 problem的Spring,所以您应该使用它(它可能只是修复您的问题)。不过,通常情况下,只要您将模板放入"classpath:/ templates“(这些html文件就是Thymeleaf所称的”模板“),就不会需要Thymeleaf配置。如果需要模板位置,可以使用spring.thymeleaf.prefix指定模板位置(参见医生来了)。大人...