路加福音 5:23 — King James Version (KJV 1900) 23Whetheriseasier,tosay,Thysinsbeforgiventhee;ortosay,Riseupandwalk? 路加福音 5:23 — New Living Translation (NLT) 23Isiteasiertosay‘Yoursinsareforgiven,’or‘Standupandwalk’? 路加福音 5:23 — The New King James Version (NKJV) ...
Thy kingdom come.Thy will be done,as in heaven,so on earth. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts,as we also have forgiven our debtors. And bring us not into temptation,but deliver us from the evil one. KJV版主祷文: Our Father which art ...
“Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee…”Rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee….” Proverbs 9:8 KJV I was immediately and deeply convicted by this pithy, two-line bolt of spiritual lightning. I knew that, not only was I not a wise man,...
that He had the authority to heal both body and soul. In order to emphasize that the healing of the soul was much more important that healing a physical disability, He told this man first that his sins were forgiven. Only after that point was made to the man...