Thy Kingdom Come 00:00 09:29 静音 M 调高音量 调低音量 增速 Shift+. 降低速度 Shift+, 向后跳过15秒 orJ 播放/暂停 SpaceorK 跳过15秒 orL 弹出播放器 扬声器 Rev. Paul Durand 已录入 类别 播客 圣经文本 讲道ID 播放计数 2021年5月20日
Thy Kingdom Come 扬声器 Robert McCurley 已录入 类别 播客 圣经文本 讲道ID 播放计数 2024年2月6日 祷告会 United Prayer Meditations 使徒馬竇傳福音書 6:10 2624174381829 223 下载 分享 最新讲道 Your Children Have Not Known Steven Lee 2024年11月23日 摩西復示律書 11:1-7 播客: United Prayer Medi...
Thy Kingdom Come Starting with the prayer, 'Your kingdom come', this paper introduces the sources of the idea of the Kingdom of God which was central to the person, mission and teaching of Jesus. After some preliminary general comments about the Kingdom ... D Tidball - 《Journal of Me...
Discusses the meaning of the petition `thy kingdom come' in the Lord's Prayer. Interrelationship of heaven and earth in God's world; Promise by prophets about God's kingdom; National and political liberation symbolized by Jesus Christ's kingdom-message.Wright...
Thy Kingdom Come on Earth: The Prayer of the Church for the Kingdom of God on EarthExpository Times International Journal of Biblical Studies Theology & Ministry