Our Certificate Info Oeko-Tex is a registered trademark, representing the product labels and company certifications issued and other services provided by the International Association for Research and Testing in the Field of Textile and Leather Ecology
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BI-Directional / Two-Way Data-Binding Library. Contribute to thx/bisheng development by creating an account on GitHub.
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一、周桂芳担任职务:担任杭州沃德认证技术服务有限公司监事;二、周桂芳投资情况:周桂芳间接持股企业25家,包括投资广西沃德认证有限公司、投资占比达3.5%,格锐卡(上海)检测认证有限公司、投资占比达3%等;三、周桂芳的商业合作伙伴:基于公开数据展示,周桂芳目前有10个商业合作伙伴,包括李正良、丁仰凝、宋敏等。 财产...
to provide customers with satisfactory products and services. Cooperating with the world's first-class post-treatment additives manufacturers: DuPont, Clariant, 3M, TanRex, Huntsman, nano tex, Texcote, specializing in the processing of Teflon, Te...