KEF 旗下首款获得THX® Certified Dominus 认证的扬声器 Ci5160REFM-THX既是KEF旗下首款获得THX® Certified Dominus认证(THX® 针对最大私人影院空间的性能等级)的入墙式扬声器,也是全世界为数不多能够达到这一标准的扬声器之一,能够在您舒适的家中呈现纯净、精准的音效,带来富有力量感的神奇体验。 获得THX...
Hide your speakers, not your sound. 看不见的扬声器,听得见的卓越音效。 藏起你的扬声器,亮出你的悠扬声音。 《你喜欢哪个翻译(*^_^*)》 在家中欣赏音乐和电影,配备我们的Ci-Reference 建筑级(工程安装)扬声器,能为您带来身临其境的沉浸式体验。 Ci5160REFM-THX,是我们头款通过THX Dominus认证的扬声器,是...
Perlisten R7t是一款功能强大且经过THX Ultra认证的左中右(LCR)声道扬声器解决方案,当用作环绕声扬声器时,它能达到THX认证的Dominus评级。THX Dominus是THX公司新推出的最高性能认证等级,填补了大型家庭影院扬声器与商业影院或展览使用的扬声器之间的差距,该认证是专门面向大型视听空间的音频类产品,能够满足6500立方英尺(1...
has launched its firstTHX® CertifiedDominus in-wall loudspeaker, the IW500. Designed for the largest and most exclusivehome cinema installations– with room volumes of up to 6,500 cu ft or 185 cu m – the front left/centre/right identical model is the most powerful reference loudspeaker...
~20 FT THX®Certified Dominus The THX Certified Dominus is the closest approximation to a public cinema experience that you can achieve in your own home. Largest and most powerful THX Certified performance class Ideal for use with immersive surround formats and 2-3 rows of seating ...
For the past 11 years, I’ve used a trio of M&K S-150 speakers across the front channels and four SS-150 Tripole surround speakers in my 7.1 setup. However, I failed to consult with my attorney before signing a contract with my wife, which restricted me to one new subwoofer for the...
KEF 旗下首款获得THX®Certified Dominus 认证的扬声器 Ci5160REFM-THX既是KEF旗下首款获得THX® Certified Dominus认证(THX® 针对最大私人影院空间的性能等级)的入墙式扬声器,也是全世界为数不多能够达到这一标准的扬声器之一,能够在您舒适的家中呈现纯净、精准的音效,带来富有力量感的神奇体验。获得THX® ...