Thurstone, The factorial isolation of primary abilities, Psychometrika, 1936, 1, 175-182. Thurstone, Primary mental abilities, Psychometric Monogr., 1938, No. 1. Thurstone, An analysis of mechanical aptitude, Psychometric Laboratory Report, No. 62, 1951; also in Psychometrika (in press). 1......
The Thurstone Primary Mental Abilities and Academic Achievement in the Junior Forms of an English Grammar SchoolWhen tomatoes were planted in steamed soil inoculated with spores of Didymellalycopersici Kleb., a large proportion became infected but very few became infected...
Starting in 1924, Thurstone taught a course in descriptive statistics, but his primary interest was in mental test theory. He initiated a course on test theory for which he developed the content, as there was no precedent for such a course. That led to a plethora of research publications on...
A Fortran program for structured instruction of selected topics covering the area of the classical measurement theory of true and error scores is presented. Program applications call for construction of idealized data sets which should conform to necessary assumptions and possess properties required by th...
Google Share on Facebook Louis Leon Thurstone (redirected fromThurstone) The following article is fromThe Great Soviet Encyclopedia(1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Thurstone, Louis Leon Born May 29, 1887, in Chicago; died Sept. 29, 1955, in Chapel Hill, N.C. American ...
Primary Mental Abilities. By L. L. Thurstone. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1938. 116. pp.doi:10.1080/21674086.1939.11925404ThomasM.FrenchInformaworldPsychoanalytic Quarterly
This article deals with a factorial analysis of Thurstone's Primary Mental Abilities Tests . The analysis was made in order to determine whether the tests designated to measure a particular ability would be found upon completion of the analysis to be clustered together with significant loadings and...
Thurstone's contributions, with her husband, L. L. Thurstone, included the development of the American Council on Education's Psychological Examinations and the Primary Mental Abilities test batteries. Her own work included the development of ins...
This study compares a quartimax rotation of the centroid factor loadings for Thurstone's Primary Mental Abilities Test Battery with factorings of the same correlation matrix by Thurstone (simple structure), Zimmerman (revised simple structure), Holzinger and Harman (bi-factor analysis), and Eysenck ...
The program allows for continuous testing of these...doi:10.1080/00221309.1942.10545183MoffieDannie J.Journal of General PsychologyMoffie, D. J. (1940) A non-verbal approach to the Thurstone primary mental abilities. The Pennsylvania State College, Pennsylvania...