SP: Well, I think we have to appreciate what Max is doing. At the level that he is driving at the moment, it’s extreme. I think the ability he has to perform at his 100 per cent every single weekend, no matter which conditions he’s driving at. It’s something that… yeah… it...
I went from being nearly legally blind to perfect eyesight. I am the only person I know who does not have to wear glasses at 70! And the recovery is so easy compared to when my parents had it. I am happy for you to be getting it! Reply J NL December 15, 2022 at 01:28 PM @...
In the past few decades we have seen these narratives used in many cases as excuses to remove the personal responsibility we should all share. I have seen many cases in which the narrative is clearly asking people to simply outsmart their common sense, that never works out for anyone. Let’...
Nah, it's always tricky. Obviously in Canada it really impeded and had a pretty big impact on our whole race weekend. I think as a driver you always try to do your best. There are some tracks which are very easy to control the traffic, some others which are way more difficult. Mont...
Q: New colour scheme, new threads as well. Give us your thoughts on that? CL: I love it. Especially the Ferrari old-style logo here is what I love most. Also on the cap here, you can see it. So, beautiful. I love it.