♥“Thursdays are a bunch of pretenders. They’d like to be on Friday, but they’re not on Friday!” ♥“Nothing ruins a Friday more than waking up onThursday morningand learning it’s Friday.” ♥“We are on the verge of experiencing better days. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are...
Ilo yiõ in Kwojkwoj in Kememej eo enaj walok ilo Thursday, March 24. jw2019 A married couple said, “Every Thursday night for the last four weeks, something happened in our family that almost stopped us from having our study, but we did not let it interfere.” Ruo dri belele ...
and you need to wake up at 6 a.m., then the fact that you need to go to bed at 10 p.m. should not be surprising. But knowing and doing are different things (hence the social media meme… “I’d do absolutely
Make Today Count | Monday Motivation Preview Winter Solstice Motivation Preview Daylight Savings Reminder PREMIUM Preview Spring Wisdom | Motivational PREMIUM Preview Summer Motivation Preview Life Is Not... | Motivational Monday Preview Good Day | Motivational Monday...
Friday’s reputation is unearned. Do not let Friday swindle you. Saturday is a great day, if we’re being honest. Hence, the coveted #No. 2 ranking. But Saturday’s got a couple things going against it. First of all, there’s Friday, the coked-out rabbit of days. Just by virtue ...
8.I made myself THE yummiest reuben sandwich EVER for lunch today. 9.I have my next Eye Ate It™ piece prepared, but haven’t painted it yet. Tomorrow. 10.I didn’t know until this morning that I received three awards, not two, for my entries into the Putnam Museum Bird Photograph...
Where do suburban moms spend too much time? (Not including their computers!) Yes – driving.Now that the fall routine is starting, here are 13 places I will be driving to on a regular basis. 13 Places I Will Be Driving to Regularly This Fall ...
#FridayFunday:Similar to #FridayNight, go ahead and use this hashtag to brag about how much fun you're having onFriday. Saturday Hashtags Woohoo, it's the weekend again! Although not as many people are online on Saturday because they're out and about doing things, it's still a great ...
a little about missing me and prefers me to pretty much anyone(hey that makes a girl feel good!)but in general he happily stays at Preschool, Daycare, Auntie’s house etc. It is such a relief to walk out the door with him not even bothering to stop playing as he calls out good-...
Today, the internet grows exponentially fast, just like space-time, so quickly that unless your Not-So-Magical box can keep up, funny cat videos will take forever to load and whatever online game you enjoy will lag so hard that it’s like you’re standing still and everybody else has ...