“Now we’re just trying to get back home,”Cory said this morning, while driving slowly and vigilantly back East. “I’m seeing that there’s a closure on I-10 eastbound due to flooding from the hurricane, so this trip’s gonna take a little longer than I thought. Fire away if yo...
My boss is taking us to lunch today and we have another work Christmas party next week. Party party… That my grand who spent the weekend in the hospital again is doing well. She has had multiple bouts of croup then bronchitis. Hoping my prayers for settling my dads estate are bring hea...
He also sends me text messages and photos. Being a parent is tough and the love you have for your child is immeasurable. When they grow into good people and love you in return, it is a truly special blessing. Wishing everyone the blessings of peace, love and good health. Reply JD ...
because of what Agar said to the angel: ‘Sara hath sent me away destitute.’ These used to be idolaters and worshiped the morning star and Aphrodite, whom in their own language they called Khabár, which means great. [
just a crudely written summary of a regular ole day. but regular days are blessings. regular days are what it all comes down to. i love reading day in the life posts, personally, and one day i know i’ll forget even the dullest little details of life with three littles and a handful...
Lindsey, You were in my prayers last night after I read your thankful post. I have been there, also with a wonderful husband, but sad that I couldn’t do more. Your thankfulness lifted me up too. And Kristen is right, this weekly exercise is deeply helpful at the worst of times. Goo...