Well, whether it’s aMonday,Tuesday,Wednesday, orSaturday, we need to be motivated every day. Learn to look forward to every tomorrow that will come into your life because it is a blessing. Learn how to be grateful at all times. Your life is worth celebrating! Have a positive overview ...
The body-mind complex eased out of the shelter bed at 9:30AM, and following morning ablutions, got dressed and headed out. Didn’t win the lottery, but continue to play. Arrived 5 minutes before the door opened at the Plowshares Peace & Justice Center dining room. Excellent chicken and ...
and all the creatures flee in terror. If people encroaching on their forests uninvited do not flee when warned by the leshy’s shrieking laughter, clapping or howling, they will often be lost to the wilds by morning, after the leshy has confused them, lured them from the path ...
They are also called Saracens, which is derived from Sarras kenoi, or destitute of Sara, because of what Agar said to the angel: ‘Sara hath sent me away destitute.’ These used to be idolaters and worshiped the morning star and Aphrodite, whom in their own language they called Khabár,...