Mozilla 终于为 Android 设备发布了其 Thunderbird 电子邮件客户端的最终完成版本。Thunderbird for Android 的开发始于 2022 年,当时 Mozilla 获得了 K-9 Mail 的相关权利,K-9 Mail 是一款流行的 Android 开源电子邮件客户端。购买该应用程序是为了最终将其重新命名为 Thunderbird 应用程序,而今天,我们看到了这些努...
安卓版的 Thunderbird 雷鸟 APP 客户端可以看作是 K-9 Mail 的“转世版”,几年前 Mozilla 谋智基金会收购了 K-9 Mail,并从其开发团队那里继承了构建更好的安卓电子邮件客户端的基因,从而有了今天的新版雷鸟 Android 应用,也满足了无数老用户对移动版 APP 的期待了! 总结: 如果你觉得微软的 Outlook 太笨重...
开源邮件客户端 K-9 Mail 在 2022 年 6 月宣布加入 Thunderbird 项目,它将转变为 Thunderbird on Android——Thunderbird 桌面用户期盼已久的移动客户端。K-9 Mail 维护者 Christian Ketterer (aka“cketti”)成为了 Thunderbird 的全职开发者。两年之后,Android 版 Thunderbird 终于发布了 Beta 版本。主要功能...
If you want to use a fork of this project please ensure that you replace the OAuth client setup in the app-k9mail/src/{debug,release}/kotlin/app/k9mail/auth/K9OAuthConfigurationFactory.kt and app-thunderbird/src/{debug,daily,beta,release}/kotlin/net/thunderbird/android/auth/TbOAuthConfigurat...
K9 Mail is also the basis of the email client supplied with several de-Googled Android phones. For instance, back around the same time as Thunderbird's acquisition, we also took a look at the/e/ Foundation Murena One. This de-Googled Android phone uses a fork of K9 Mail as its email...
Once those features have been added, we’ll release the app as Thunderbird for Android. Why Wait? Try K-9 Mail Now But of course you don’t have to wait until then. All our development happens out in the open. The stable version of K-9 Mail contains all of the features we have ...
If you want to use a fork of this project please ensure that you replace the OAuth client setup in the app-k9mail/src/{debug,release}/kotlin/app/k9mail/auth/K9OAuthConfigurationFactory.kt and app-thunderbird/src/{debug,daily,beta,release}/kotlin/net/thunderbird/android/auth/TbOAuthConfigurat...
Github: thunderbird-android / app-k9mail How To Go to F-Droid and download the F-Droid client. To add this repository to your F-Droid client, please follow these instructions using the provided QR code (click it to enlarge) or the following URL:
When Thunderbird for Android is ready for release, how will you upgrade from K-9 Mail? Will you even need to? Will both apps co-exist? Where does Mozilla Sync fit in? Alex answers a lot of burning ...