While very unlikely, planes making a very slow pass and getting within a few hundred metres of the ship might catch some bullets and potentially get shot down. Additional armamentSetup 16 x 21 inch Type 43 (1910) torpedo Main article: 21 inch Type 43 (1910) (533 mm)...
The Do 335 is a difficult plane to fly. It has good armament, however, lacks anything else of substance. Sub-par flat climb rate, bad turning, and handling, as well as the lack of armor and a propensity to catch fire make this aircraft a very difficult grind. Pilots should utilize the...
[:Category:Biplanes|Biplanes]] :''Hotline:'' which gun has the fastest rate of fire in-game, why fires on Japanese planes can't be put out, which British plane has the highest speed, can the fastest plane catch the slowest missile, which tanks for Realistic Battles. --- '''[https...