CUT ROSE was the only one I didn't care for. CUT here doesn't disguise the PAST TENSE meaning of the word, and the phrase itself feels a bit stilted to my ear. Great execution, such smoothness with excellent bonus entries. I especially liked that URBAN ART / DEAD DROPS (love me some...
There's a constructors' maxim that a fantastic grid can't make up for a subpar theme, but a fantastic theme can overcome most anything. If I didn't know anything about Sam — one of the few five-tool constructors, meaning that they can make easy, mid-week, tricky, themeless, Sunday...
[Lightens up, say] makes GO ON A DIET absolutely sing. Same with [Side lights?] for TURN SIGNALS. Great stuff. SHIRR is unusual to see in a PB puzzle, but it does appear to be a real word. The dictionary defines it as "gather by means of drawn or elasticized threads in parallel...
[Lightens up, say] makes GO ON A DIET absolutely sing. Same with [Side lights?] for TURN SIGNALS. Great stuff. SHIRR is unusual to see in a PB puzzle, but it does appear to be a real word. The dictionary defines it as "gather by means of drawn or elasticized threads in parallel...