I'm also a bit impressed that they were able to come up with a colloquial equivalent for IF YOU CATCH MY DRIFT without repeating any of its words, which I found monstrously difficult to clue for that reason, resignedly going with the not-at-all ungainly [Colloquial phrase which suggests ...
Chase! He recently moved up to Seattle, not too far away from me. I've enjoyed working with him on several puzzles, including a NYT Sunday coming out soon. Today's plays on TRUE and FALSE, with T or F changing different pairs of answers. TREE SPIRIT to FREE spirit was the highlight...
It is only a single entry, but I think we need to hold Monday puzzles up to the highest cleanliness standard. Something tough like SINN might take away from that glowing feeling of HAVING FINALLY FINISHED A NYT CROSSWORD! because you wonder … wait. Was I actually successful? What's that...
And if they decided to not go down the contest route, I'd rather have seen GOLLY GEE incorporated somewhere in the grid, with the theme left up to the solver to grok. Much more standard NYT-ish. This notepad approach is sort of miry, trying to make up its mind what it is. I did...
is equivalent to DO YOU NEED / SOMETHING. Nice diversity of choices. I wasn't overwhelmed by the theme, but as he always does, Tim utilizes his bonus fill to spice up the quality of the solve. There's a multitude of great answers, from SEINFELD to PARTY HAT to TOE RING to MEERKAT ...
is equivalent to DO YOU NEED / SOMETHING. Nice diversity of choices. I wasn't overwhelmed by the theme, but as he always does, Tim utilizes his bonus fill to spice up the quality of the solve. There's a multitude of great answers, from SEINFELD to PARTY HAT to TOE RING to MEERKAT ...