此成语的原意指商人故意在秤物时将拇指按在秤上以增加重量,借以欺骗顾客。Now a day, the meanings of the idiom are depicted as the following:If you put your thumb on the scales, you try to influence the result of something in your favor.put the thumb on the scale -- 以某种影...
They been putting the thumb on the scale to influence American election for a while. Alex: Vladimir Putin is the man. Thumb on the Scale: Influence the result in your own favor.为了自己的利益去影响结果 欢迎加入博四教育家长群 长按识别二维码,加入我们 更多全部...
Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook put (one's) thumb on the scale To manipulate a situation in order to create an unfair advantage by deceiving others. Likened to a merchant holding a thumb on the scale when weighing goods for sale, therefore increasing the...
PreviewMouseRightButtonDown 在鼠标指针位于此元素上并且按下鼠标右键时发生。 (继承自 UIElement) PreviewMouseRightButtonUp 在鼠标指针位于此元素上并且松开鼠标右键时发生。 (继承自 UIElement) PreviewMouseUp 在鼠标指针位于此元素上并且松开任意鼠标按钮时发生。 (继承自 UIElement) PreviewMouseWheel 在...
You don’t have to wait for incoming referrals to show up. You can proactively pursue them through strategic referral marketing efforts - ...
The article focuses on mandatory minimum sentences and how they impact the plea bargaining regime in the U.S. justice system. Topics include the suicide of computer hacker Aaron Swartz for federal computer crimes, the evolution of plea bargain procedure in the U.S., and the adjudication of ...
PreviewKeyDown Si verifica quando viene premuto un tasto di tastiera mentre UIElement ha lo stato attivo. (Ereditato da UIElement) PreviewKeyUp Si verifica quando viene rilasciato un tasto di tastiera mentre UIElement ha lo stato attivo. (Ereditato da UIElement) ProcessKeyboardAccelerators...
Tayan, BrianStanford University, Graduate School of BusinessResearch PapersThe Big Thumb on the Scale:An Overview of the Proxy Advisory Industry. James R.Copland,David F.Larcker,Brian Tayan. https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/sites/gsb/files/publication-pdf/cgri-closer-look-72-big-thumb-proxy-...
KeyDown 在UIElement 有焦點時按下鍵盤按鍵時發生。 (繼承來源 UIElement) KeyUp 發生于 UIElement 有焦點時放開鍵盤按鍵時。 (繼承來源 UIElement) LayoutUpdated 發生于視覺化樹狀結構的版面配置變更時,因為配置相關屬性變更值或重新整理版面配置的其他動作。 (繼承來源 FrameworkElement) Loaded 發生于 架...
Returns the currently configured Drawable for the thumb of the horizontal scroll bar if it exists, null otherwise. -or- Defines the horizontal thumb drawable