R. (1978). Elimination of nocturnal thumbsucking by glove wearing. Journal of Behaviour Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 9, 85.Lassen, M. K. & Fluet, N. R. (1978). Elimination of nocturnal thumbsucking by glove wearing. Journal of Behaviour Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 9, 85....
Define Thumbsucking. Thumbsucking synonyms, Thumbsucking pronunciation, Thumbsucking translation, English dictionary definition of Thumbsucking. thumb sucking. Translations. English: thumb sucking n succión f del pulgar , chuparse el pulgar.
Elimination of nocturnal thumbsucking by glove wearing The use of glove wearing in the treatment of a child's long-standing habit of thumbsucking while sleeping is described. The application of a medication to inhibit thumbsucking was tried initially without effect. The subsequent use of glo......
The thumb-sucking habit: meaningful or empty? 1. 1. It is important to be patient with and tolerant toward the thumb-sucking child. If we understand his desire for security, even at the risk of failing to correct thumb-sucking, we may gain something even more important鈥攖he develop......
Thumb‐suckinghabit disordertreatment effectsThis study evaluated the generalization, maintenance, and negative side-effects of Habit Reversal (HR) and Differential Reinforcement of Other Behaviour (DRO) in the elimination of thumb-suking. Thirty children who sucking their thumbs or fingers excessively ...
Thumb-suckinghabitdisordertreatmenteffectsThis study evaluated the generalization, maintenance, and negative side-effects of Habit Reversal (HR) and Differential Reinforcement of Other Behaviour (DRO) in the elimination of thumb-suking. Thirty children who sucking their thumbs or fingers excessively were ...