Injuries of the UCL occur when the extended thumb is bent radially away from the hand at the MCP joint. Common causes include a fall onto an outstretched hand, gripping the steering wheel during a car accident, and falling ...
Fusion of the MCP joint involved placement of longitudinal K-wires and tension band wiring. The patient underwent an initial right-sided procedure in 2008 and subsequently elected for the same procedure on the contralateral side 26 months later. Good functional improvement was achieved with a pre ...
These include refashioning of the ligament from capsular remnants, dynamic tendon transfers, tendon advancement, free tendon grafts, and MCP joint fusion. Free tendon grafts offer a reliable method of reconstruction. Fixation is usually achieved by passing sutures through drill holes, using pull out ...
These include refashioning of the ligament from capsular remnants, dynamic tendon transfers, tendon advancement, free tendon grafts, and MCP joint fusion. Free tendon grafts offer a reliable method of reconstruction. Fixation is usually achieved by passing sutures through drill holes, using pull out ...
We describe a novel combination of a volar plate advancement and abductor pollicis brevis tenodesis to address MCP1 hyperextension at the time of CMC1 arthroplasty as an alternative to joint fusion. In 6 women, mean MCP1 hyperextension with pinch before surgery was 450 (r...