大家都知道我是拉力赛车爱好者,因为开真车已经把周围的人全部甩吐了一圈,又因为真车耗油以及撞了还得花钱修理等等问题,于是我入了一款图马斯特THRUSTMASTER T300 rs 方向盘。这次算首测,玩了一把小失误前功尽弃,尘埃4手动拨片版力回溃60%,方向盘阻尼15%。回头再做一次详细的伪开箱评测,以及教大家怎么开拉力...
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118 -- 11:15 App [4K60]用方向盘游地平线5 (Pagani Zonda Cinque - Forza Horizon 5 | Thrustmaster T300RS) 141 -- 12:31 App [4K60]用方向盘游地平线5 (Lamborghini Diablo GTR - Forza Horizon 5 | Thrustmaster TX) 295 1 9:10 App [4K60]用方向盘游地平线4 (Dodge Viper ACR - Thrustm...
User manual - T300RS PC PS4™ User manual - T300RS GT Edition PC PS4™ Drivers PC - DRIVERS FORCE FEEDBACK [Package 2024_TTRS_1.exe] + Firmware PC Release notes Firmware Firmware T300 series - Update Procedure [System Requirement: Windows® 10 / 11] PC Release notes New: Importan...
Thrustmaster T300 SERVO BASE Racing Wheel Driver/Firmware 2021.TTRS.2Download Summary Download Now Update All Drivers File size:42.70 MB Platform:Windows 7, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 8, Windows 8 64 bit, Windows 8.1, Windows 8.1 64 bit, Windows 10, Windows 10 64 bit ...
[GT7] - Porsche 917 Living Legend _ Thrustmaster T300RS Gameplay 277 -- 8:48 App [GT7] - RAY TRACING Ferrari 458 Italia GT3 (PS5) 31 -- 3:30 App [GT7] - スバル FALKEN TIRE [REPLAY][DEMO] 45 -- 8:48 App [GT7] - 乘客视角 - PORSCHE 911 GT3 - REALISTIC GRAPHIC 390 --...
Realistic, accurate transmission of the different elements of each race directly to the user’s hands makes this motor a must-have. Contrary to a simple brushed motor, the brushless motor technology built into the T300RS series racing wheels also allows for an extremely quiet racing experience. ...
图马思特(THRUSTMASTER)T300RS 赛车方向盘发烧友 快速换轮系统 PS4、PC PS 双皮带系统可实现流畅的游戏会话 专有的 HEART 磁技术图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
L’écosystème de volants Thrustmaster, composé de roues vendues séparément sans bases ni pédaliers, offre aux utilisateurs T300RS une vaste sélection de produits adaptés à chaque univers du sport automobile : des courses GT sur circuit à la conduite Rally en terrains irréguliers, tous...