head cold - a common cold affecting the nasal passages and resulting in congestion and sneezing and headache rhinorrhea - persistent watery mucus discharge from the nose (as in the common cold)2.cold - the absence of heat; "the coldness made our breath visible"; "come in out of the cold...
Morning sicknesscan also sometimes manifest with yellow vomit. Because people with morning sickness often have an empty stomach, when vomiting does occur, all that may come out is bile, fluids, stomach acid, and mucus.10 In general, anything that can promote acid reflux can promote bile reflux...
My OCD train has left the station. I have appointed myself the Mucus Manager. We load up in the car and bring the toilet paper. She can’t bring toilet paper on stage – how will she blow her nose? I dig through my bottomless bag in search of tissues and my hand finds a travel ...
The white foam which a dog throws up is a mixture of stomach contents, mucus, and phlegm. It is usually foamy and thick. Continuous vomiting can result in regurgitation of white blood cells and other cells occurring in the intestinal lining, which is a serious situation requiring the immediate...
I have appointed myself the Mucus Manager. We load up in the car and bring the toilet paper. She can’t bring toilet paper on stage – how will she blow her nose? I dig through my bottomless bag in search of tissues and my hand finds a travel pack I stole from my mother’s ...