Biomechanical Basis of Interval Throwing Programs for Baseball Pitchers: A Systematic ReviewBASEBALLONLINE information servicesTORQUERANGE of motion of jointsMEDICAL information storage & retrieval systemsSYSTEMATIC reviewsTHROWING (Sports)ATHLETESPHYSICAL training & conditioning...
Data-Based Interval Throwing Programs for Baseball Position Players From Age 13 to College Level Objective: To design interval throwing programs for baseball players other than pitchers from 13 years of age to the college level. Design: The authors rec... MJ Axe,TC Windley,L Snyder-Mackler -...
Digital Arterial Occlusion in the Throwing Hand of Elite Baseball Pitchers: A Report of 2 Cases Treated With Adventitial Stripping and Review of the Litera... Arterial injuries around the shoulder on the throwing side and in the catching hand are well-known conditions resulting in hand ischemia ...
Through our strength and conditioning exercises, pitchers begin building the foundation towards increased velocity. They are able to see their progress by viewing their results on our state of the art stalker radar display. Variety of Programs The Right Fit We offer a variety of options that range...
The only way to achieve this Pinching action of which has been termed by a so called pitching Guru wannabe as Scapular Loading, is for pitchers to reverse rotate from an imaginary line that we can draw through the tips of both shoulders beyond second base thus keeping the palm of their ...
TAMPA, Fla. -- The schedule looks different for Jasson Domínguez this spring, as the switch-hitting No. 2 prospect works his way back from Tommy John surgery performed in September. Instead of digging into the batter’s box for live at-bats, as fellow o
one of the stated objectives of this ball-throwing machine is to be able to deliver different pitches within a 7-10 second time period to simulate actual batting practice conditions with live pitchers. This, of course, requires rapidly accelerating and decelerating certain wheels within this limited...
Comparison of Three Baseball-specific Six-week Training Programs on Throwing Velocity in High School Baseball Players: 2938 PURPOSE: Throwing velocity is an important baseball performance variable for baseball pitchers, because greater throwing velocity results in less time for hitters to make a decision...
Axe MJ. Data-Based Interval Throwing Programs for Little League, High School, College, and Professional Baseball Pitchers. Sports Medicine and Arthroscopic Review. 2001;9:24-34.Axe M, Wickham R, Snyder-Mackler L. Data-based interval throwing programs for little league, high school, ...
Purpose of Review Weighted baseball throwing programs have gained significant attention recently. They have been promoted as proven option for pitchers wishing to increase their throwing velocity and improve throwing mechanics. However, there is some concern that, if not applied properly, they may ...