There’s a common music meme that is ageless. By which I mean it was likely floating around even before the Internet. It’s also very simple. You’ve no doubt heard of it – and even if you somehow haven’t you’ll get the idea right away. It usually goes like this:What are your...
IItt wwaass aassssuummeedd tthhaatt tthheerree iiss aa rreellaattiivveellyy ssttaabblleepphhaasseeoofftthhee ssiiggnnaallbbeeffoorree((PP11))aannddaafftteerr (P4) (tPh4e)athcteuaaclttuharlotwhroawndanthdathtahteththertohwrowmomvoevmemenetnitsicshcahraarcatcetreirzizeeddbbyyaahhiigghhdde...