throw new err_http_headers_sent('set'); 这行代码表示抛出了一个名为 err_http_headers_sent 的新错误,其中 'set' 是传递给错误构造函数的参数,用于指示错误的特定上下文或原因。这种错误通常发生在HTTP服务器响应过程中,当尝试在HTTP头部已经发送给客户端后修改或再次设置头部时。
)); if (callbacks.length === 0) { throw new...== 'function') { throw new TypeError('Router.use() requires a middleware function but got a ' +...// 第一次执行 } app.use(f2); app.use(f3); app.get('/', f3) 注意:向上面这样如果执行多次 send 是会报 ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT...
res.send({result: "success"});return next(); 重复了,res.send里面就包含了res,end,当你在NEXT()是响应都结束了
Hello I am making simple application using MEAN stack. And I get this error http.js:691 throw new Error('Can\'t set headers after they are sent.') Here is the code: server.js // set up var express = require('express'); var app = express(); var mongoose = require('mongoose');...
nirto throw Error[ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT]: Cannot set headers after they are sent to the clientin SSE API#19384 New issue Closed as not planned zouhangwithsweet openedonMar 2, 2023 Environment Operating System:Darwin Node Version:v14.18.0 ...
I'm not quite sure if this is mistake by Chrome, by drogon or by myself: Chrome and Edge both throw "ERR_INVALID_HTTP_RESPONSE", cURL doesn't display the output because it interprets it as binary, but Firefox works. The response header i...
PEAR::throwError('Session could not be started by Auth, '.'possibly headers are already sent, try putting '.'ob_start in the beginning of your script'); } }// Make Sure Auth session variable is thereif(!isset($_SESSION[$this->_sessionName])) { ...
strings, buffers, and streams are sent to the client, with appropriate headers (no serialization) You can throw a new error in your custom error handler - errors (new error or the received error parameter re-thrown) - will call the parent errorHandler. onError hook will be triggered once ...