Richard Hunter, head of markets at interactive investor, says Tesco’s move “may also throw down the gauntlet to some of its blue chip rivals, resulting in some other companies potentially following suit.” FromThe Guardian If ever there were a time to throw down the gauntlet and change thi...
throw down the gauntlet throw in the sponge throw in the towel throwing throw shapes throw the book at throw up throw one's weight around Translations to cause an object to move rapidly through the air Arabic: صَبَّ (ar) (ṣabba), رَمَى ...
to give a share of the cost; contribute (money): Are you going to throw down for this pizza, or what? to produce or execute (something) successfully; put down: The skiers threw down a few good runs before the snow turned to slush. ...
throw down the gauntlet throw in throw in the towel Throw lathe throw off throw on throw open throw out throw out of kilter throw over throw overboard throw pillow throw rug throw stick throw to the lions throw together throw up throw weight throwaway throwback Throw-crook throw-down Throwe ...