英[θrəʊ] v.扔;抛;丢;投 n.扔;抛;摔;投(球) 网络投掷;抛出;摔倒 过去式:threw过去分词:thrown第三人称单数:throws现在分词:throwing 搭配 同义词 反义词 v.+n. throw ball,throw party,throw hat,throw towel,throw shadow 权威英汉双解 ...
throw 高中/CET4/CET6 英[θrəʊ] 美[θrəʊ] 释义 常用 高考讲解 v. 投,抛,扔,摔;使劲撞;急伸,猛动(身体或某部位);使进展不顺;使困惑/吃惊;照射;投身于;突然发怒;举办;故意输掉(比赛) n. 抛,扔,摔,投,掷;沙发套;床罩 大小写变形:Throw...
throw的基本意思是“投”“掷”“抛”,指用工具或徒手(弯曲臂肘)将物体以迅速发力的动作抛出,也可泛指任何推进动作,是日常用语,不带感情色彩。引申可表示“难住”“摔倒”“挺”“摆脱”“脱(皮)”“投射(光线,阴影)”“施加(影响)”等。 throw既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词...
throw 英[θrəʊ] 考点解读 托福 雅思 剑雅词频:10 throw 常考释义 n. 投 变形词 现在分词throwing 第三人称单数throws 过去式threw 现在分词throwing 过去分词thrown 第三人称单数throws 复数throws 单词详解 英汉双解 vt. 投;扔;抛;投掷 收起 ...
throw的意思、解释 过去式:threw; 过去分词:thrown; 现在分词:throwing; throw 基本解释 throw 不及物动词丢; 抛; 投掷 名词丢; 投掷的距离 及物动词抛; 掷(色子); 猛动(头、臂、腿); 使处于,使限于 throw 相关词组 1. throw up : 呕吐, 产生, 使显眼; ...
3分钟掌握“throw”的27种用法! 🎯 常见义+引申义 常见义: 投掷;扔;抛 摔;丢;扔 投掷的距离 投(球);掷(骰子) 掷骰子掷出的点数 引申义: 猛推;使劲撞 猛动身体部位 挥拳猛击;出拳 把什么对准;向…作出;对…施加 照射(光线);投射(阴影) 🔍 生僻义 使心烦意乱;使困惑;使惊奇 按动,扳动,推动(开...
“throw”的中文翻译 词典解释 美音:[ ] 英音:[ ] 及物动词 vt. 1. 投,掷,抛,扔[O1][(+at/to)] She threw me a towel. 她丢给我一条毛巾。 The boy threw a stone at the dog. 那男孩对狗丢石头。 He quickly threw the ball to another player. ...
The meaning of THROW is to propel through the air by a forward motion of the hand and arm. How to use throw in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Throw.
to throw someone into prison; to throw a bridge across a river; to throw troops into action. to put on, off, or away hastily: to throw a shawl over one's shoulders. Machinery. to move (a lever or the like) in order to activate, turn on, disconnect, etc., an apparatus or mechani...