程序集: Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.dll 包: Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB v1.3.0 将资源上的标记替换为给定集。 请求路径/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/{accountName}/sqlDatabases/{database...
When you provision throughput on an Azure Cosmos DB database, the throughput is shared across all the containers (called shared database containers) in the database. An exception is if you specified a provisioned throughput on specific containers in the database. Sharing the database-level ...
The operation is performed without any downtime, and typically takes effect in less than a minute. One of the areas you should scale throughput is when you ingest data into Azure Cosmos DB, for example, during data migration. Once you have completed the migration, you can scale provisioned ...
This script uses the following commands. Each command in the table links to command specific documentation. CommandNotes Azure Cosmos DB Get-AzCosmosDBTableThroughputGets the throughput value of the specified API for Table Table. Update-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollectionThroughputUpdates the throughput value of...
Learn how request units function as a currency in Azure Cosmos DB and how to specify and estimate Request Unit requirements.
Now in general availability, autoscale provisioned throughput (called “autopilot mode” in preview) is a new pricing model for Azure Cosmos DB. With autoscale, SLAs are maintained while the service automatically and instantly scales up to a customer-specified maximum to meet the needs of ...
In this episode of the Azure Government video series, Steve Michelotti talks with Rafat Sarosh, Program Manager on the Cosmos DB team, about Cosmos DB on Azure Government. Rafat and Steve begin with a discussion of the benefits of Cosmos DB including geo-redundancy, scaling throughput and stor...
Many exciting terahertz imaging applications, such as non-destructive evaluation, biomedical diagnosis, and security screening, have been historically limited in practical usage due to the raster-scanning requirement of imaging systems, which impose very low imaging speeds. However, recent advancements in...
Because all containers within the database share the provisioned throughput, Azure Cosmos DB doesn't provide any predictable throughput guarantees for a particular container in that database. The portion of the throughput that a specific container can receive is dependent on: ...
在自动缩放和手动预配之间迁移 MongoDB 数据库的吞吐量。Azure CLI 复制 az cosmosdb mongodb database throughput migrate --account-name --name --resource-group --throughput-type {autoscale, manual}必需参数--account-name -aCosmosdb 帐户名称。