3. To avoid over-interpretation of slight (possibly stochastic) changes in MDE, we smoothed the data by calculating mean values in a sliding window approach with a time frame of 5 Myr. One potential source of methodological artefact is a bias against younger dispersal events, as younger ...
Significant foidic-type deposits were formed in the Columbian, Rodinian, and Pangean cycles; subalkali-granitic type deposits were formed, in the Columbian and Rodinian cycles; and ion-adsorption orebodies are known only in the Amasian cycle. On the geological time scale, deposits of all ...
The variance d scales with the window size m as dðmÞ ~mHAV {1 where HAV is the scaling (absolute value) exponent. Note that while DFA first integrates the time series before calculation, HAV is calculated from the original time series, which in this case is the binary sequence of...
whether South Asia (or parts of it) forms a linguistic area, and whether we can add something to the vexed question of IA subgrouping. In Section 4 we briefly present our data source, LSI, and in Section 5 we describe in more detail how the linguistic features that we use for our ...
The fault model assumes an instantaneous rupture across 10 sub-faults. Following Fujii and Satake [11], the slip varies from 0 m to 2.47 m with the largest slip identified in the eastern part of the fault plane. The rupture length is 200 km with each sub-fault occupying a size of 50 ...
The second is by missy of her blog submissy, and is called“Break me and make me yours ~ submissive self”. Both are written from a female submissive point-of-view, but one is fiction and the other a personal essay. What connects them is both women want and need to be submissive, ...
drying across the warm sub-stages (MIS 5e, c and a) and cooler sub-stages (MIS 5d, b) lends support to the ability of the collated proxy records to capture a representative signal of hydroclimate across MIS 5, in spite of the range of complications associated with each respective proxy ...
t excessively biting, you could quite easily get away with wearing a trenchcoat as a winter overcoat, but for anything involving snow, you’ll probably want something heavier, since the cotton construction (designed to shed rain), won’t be thick enough to deal with sub-zero temperatures, in...
The linear Ninetyeast Ridge (NER) is the longest oceanic intraplate volcanic edifice and main feature in the Eastern Indian Ocean. Many seamounts are located on the ridge, whose origin and age remain unclear due to the lack of samples of the bedrock of which they are composed. Carbonate sedim...
The DHC revealed nine classes originating from two main branches of the total corpus analyzed, sub-corpus A and sub-corpus B. Sub-corpus A is composed of Classes 1, 2, 5, and 8, whose TSs present the words used in the abstracts and the keywords. Sub-corpus B is composed of Classes ...