Through the Looking - Glass(《爱丽丝镜中奇遇记》)是刘易斯·卡罗尔(Lewis Carroll)续写的《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的姊妹篇,以下是关于这本书的简介和推荐理由。 一、内容简介 1. 故事梗概 - 故事从爱丽丝穿过镜子开始,她进入了一个镜中世界。这个世界...
简而言之,“Jabberwocky”概括了诗歌或文学不需要严格意义就能娱乐的想法;胡说八道也可以同样有趣。 【参考资料】Lewis Carroll(刘易斯·卡罗尔)《Through the Looking-Glass》《爱丽丝镜中奇遇》电子书和网络公开资料。 ———- End ———
a book review of Through The looking-glass 印象最深的是那个关于除法的小辩论。皇后问,拿走狗的骨头,还会剩下什么。爱丽丝认为骨头没了,会去追拿骨头的人。自然是什么都没剩下。然而皇后说,狗狗会生气,英文中生气是“lose one's temper”,所以最后剩下了狗狗的脾气。正是英语的这种文字游戏,让我get 到了脑... Reality and virtuality in phenomenological sound matter Field recordings and their transformations. Recorded 1993-2008. Each of the CDs is packaged in a card stock sleeve, the 5 of which, with a 40-page bo...
CharlesDodgson,aliasLewisCarroll,firstpublishedhisAlice'sAdventuresinWonderlandbookin1865-ithasbeenafavouriteeversinceandissomethingthatallchildrenshouldread.ThissecondAlicebook'ThroughtheLookingGlass'waspublishedin1871. 因版权原因待上架 品牌:中图公司 上架时间:2016-06-28 12:09:57 出版社:Andrews UK-Gardners...
"I wish I could get through into looking-glass house,"Alice said. "Let's pretend that the glass has gone soft and . . . Why, I do believe it has! It's turning into a kind of cloud!" A moment later Alice is inside the looking-glass world. There she finds herself part of a gr...
我惟独只知道有Alice's Adventures in Wonderland,却不知有这么一个叫做Through the Looking-Glass的续篇。好多版本都是把两个故事捆绑在一起的,虽然两者并无任何联系,不过有同样一个叫做Alice的小女孩作为主人公,而两个故事都是两场梦罢了。我记得是沈从文还是梁实秋(以... (展开) 3 0回应 Blavatsky 2010-01...
Through the Looking Glass [英] 刘易斯·卡罗尔《走到镜子里》是《爱丽思漫游奇境》的姊妹篇,商务印书馆1988年曾将其改名《爱丽思漫游镜中世界》出版,今回复原译名。本书讲述了爱丽思漫游镜中世界的种种遭遇。故事的主线是一盘已在下的国际象棋,主人公和他的两只小猫都成为棋子,在棋盘般的麦田里漫游,和其他棋子...
Through the looking glass 来自 掌桥科研 喜欢 0 阅读量: 39 作者: N Richardson 摘要: A mechanism for switching the chirality of molecules adsorbed on gold surfaces offers a thermally activated approach to growing two-dimensional crystals of a single enantiomer.Chirality is a chemical property ...
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (1832-1898), better known by the pen name Lewis Carroll, was an English author, mathematician, logician, Anglican clergyman and photographer. From a young age, Dodgson wrote poetry and short stories, sending them to various magazines and enjoying moderate success. Most of...