Experience the action-packed evolution of the world's greatest sport through multiple eras of history, from its humble prehistoric beginnings to taking its rightful place among the stars.Cricket Through the Ages is the factual, physics-based chronicle of humanity's passion for the spirit of ...
《历史巨轮(Through the Ages)》是由CGE Digital制作发行的一款由桌游制作的回合制策略游戏。如果你喜欢《文明》《纪元》系列,那么你一定会喜欢这款游戏。在游戏中,你要带领你的人民,从一个小小的聚落开始发展,经过千难万险之后,你会经历农耕时代,经历工业革命后来到机械时代,最后发展到强大的科技时代。你将体验创造...
CGE Digital s.r.o. #28(桌遊類) 4.9 • 172 個評分 HK$ 88.00 提供App 內購買項目 螢幕截圖 iPhone iPad 描述 Through the Ages is based on a highly acclaimed civilization board game by well-known designer Vlaada Chvátil. The original game is recognized as a modern classic board game. ...
《历史巨轮(Through the Ages)》是CGE Digital制作发行的一款卡牌策略游戏。这是你创造历史的绝佳机会。
Through the Ages is an epic strategy game of civilisation building for 1-4 players. Advance through the ages from antiquity to modern era. Manage your resources and exploit your opponents’ weaknesses to come out on top!
More About Through the Ages v2.19.1041 (Latest Version Information) • Package Name: com.czechgames.tta • App Price: $9.99 • Release Date: September 15, 2017 • Updated On: December 11, 2024 • App Version: 2.19.1041
名称:Through the Ages 类型:独立,策略 开发商:CGE Digital 发行商:CGE Digital 发行日期:2018 年 3 月 26 日 访问网站查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查看讨论查找社区组 嵌入 购买Through the Ages ¥ 54.00 添加至购物车 此游戏的内容浏览所有(1) Through the Ages - New Leaders & Wonders ...
This privacy policy governs your use of the software application Through the Ages("Application") for mobile devices that was created by CGE Digital s.r.o., Czech Republic. The Application Through the Ages is digital game based on the successful board game of the same name by Vlaada Chvatil...
游戏介绍《历史巨轮》是CGE Digital制作发行的一款卡牌策略游戏。这是你创造历史的绝佳机会。你会从一个小部落开始,不断扩大你的农场和矿山,为科技的进步、先进的政府和宏伟的奇迹奠定基础建设。与此同时,你的军事部队将会与你的政治技巧相辅相成,引领你的文明走向繁荣
本次352.2.1.334版本最大的更新是把游戏升级为64位, 从而能支持Mac OSX 10.15+(Catalina)系统。历史巨轮(Through the Ages)可以说是轻松版的文明,还是非常好玩的。 历史巨轮(Through the Ages)是一款由CGE Digital制作发行的策略类(SLG)游戏。历史巨轮官方电子版,由BGG当前排名第三的,Vlaada Chvátil设计的经典策...