aKopi luwak is produced mainly on the islands of Sumatra, Java, Bali and Sulawesi in the Indonesian Archipelago, and also in the Philippines (where the product is called motit coffee in the Cordillera and kape alamid in Tagalog areas) and also in East Timor (where it is called kafé-laku...
Kristine Gaviola, Philippines –“When my grandpa lived with us in the 90s (we used to call him “Tatay” which means father in Tagalog because that’s what our mom called him), he used to make arroz caldo in the winter. It’s this delicious rice chicken broth that is SO GOOD, and...
Interestingly, although there is a preference for the “majority” languages spoken worldwide, such as German, Spanish, French, Hindi, and Portuguese, other languages such as Serbian, Tagalog, Japanese, and Icelandic also contributed significantly to the overall volume of tweets during the initial ...
(It also means that equips are no longer a good gold sink, meaning the players should need to spend their money in other places in order to make money useful at all.) A good way around this could be that equipment has fixed stats, but its special effect can be taken from it (p...